Another go around with DTC chair Rippy Patton

In this TBE podcast, Rippy Patton, Democratic Town Committee chair, returns for a second go around. Patton first discussed this year’s campaign late in September and we agreed to have a second conversation prior to the Nov. 2 election.

In the meantime, Republican Town Committee chair Rich Kilby was to have had his own TBE time with me, but Kilby declined the offer, saying that he was too busy with the campaign. Note: I do address this in the podcast with Patton, briefly and with some disappointment, since TBE aims to do our best to cover both parties. Of course, this is something we, TBE, will have to work through when it comes to political coverage, because my wife, Mary, is one of the council women from the 3rd District and a Democrat. At the same time, our political coverage is already limited because we are all volunteers. In other words, we are doing the best we can with who and what we have. 

In our 20-minute conversation, Patton addresses the Democrats “Get Out The Vote” strategy, the state of political discourse—a telling difference from just a few years ago, his own personal focus, dealing with people he does not agree with, development of Center Square and his final advice for voters–informed voters are the best voters.