Making Bristol news affordable and available

One of our goals at The Bristol Edition is to make high quality hyperlocal news affordable and available. That is why we are asking our readers to help us grow and sustain our growth with a small monthly recurring contribution.

I realize, since our news has been free until now, it’s difficult to take that step of starting to pay something. Maybe this will help. The next best value for local news comes in somewhere around $300 a year. If you become a Supporter, you pay $72 a year, $6 a month, and Bristol will have a solid source of good quality news for as long as people sign on.

We have decided on a nonprofit business model so that we can focus our attention on getting better and providing more rather than worrying about making profits. However, that does not mean that we can operate without revenue.

If you are enjoying our sports coverage of your child or grandchild, just think what a wonderful legacy to those who come after–to have the next generation of young athletes featured and their pursuits featured in the same way.

If you would like to see more than sports, invest in us. Your investment pays off not by lining someone else’s pocket. It pays off by better reporting, more coverage.

Join TBE today by becoming a sustaining member. Join others in our community and those beyond Bristol who want to keep in touch to carve out a new news medium for Bristol. Click here.