Tone of TBE editorial surprises reader

To the Editor:

Recently, I read the TBE editorial regarding the lack of Republican responses to TBE candidate questions for 2022 as well as other general inquiries. And I have to say, I am surprised by the tone and suggestions in the article.

As a frequent reader of the TBE I was surprised by the overt charge, without evidence, that Republicans are somehow conspiring against TBE and worse, that the leaders in the party organization have directed the lack of response.

What is more striking, is the staff quickly undermine their central point when they point out that some Republicans past and present have answered the TBE questions on upcoming elections.

If their theory is true, that Republicans were controlled by party leaders, then they certainly have displayed a paltry way of maintaining that control. I think there are many examples where that wouldn’t make sense (separate votes on council, to start).

Unpacking why staff would use their own forum to express a conspiracy theory certainly raises an alarm about their independence – even if they don’t mean to.

Rather, it may be more fitting that the staff themselves have a bone to pick. For example, one of the founders of the TBE is Dave Fortier. Dave is married to former city councilor and current candidate for State Representative Mary Fortier. Another example is Jack Krampitz, a longtime known Democrat supporter who also happens to be my former social studies teacher at Memorial Boulevard.

Is it really that Republicans are controlled by party leaders? Or did they not take the time to answer questions sent by people who knowingly have tried to undermine their election chances?

I won’t speculate why candidates did not answer TBE, but I will say, looking at TBE’s own biases also requires some effort.

Personally, I think this all belongs somewhere in the middle. It seems to me, TBE is suffering from an ego bruise as the result of incomplete reporting on the election and their existing struggle to maintain a presence as a news organization. Instead of playing coy, they should just come outright and say that, rather than griping in a single sentence about their business not being adequately supported by certain groups of people.

As I mentioned previously, I am an avid reader of TBE and I have respect for their mission (and the staff – which include Dave and Jack). I want TBE to thrive and be successful because Bristol is missing the days of strong news coverage across various subjects, and most notably its local government.

I just hope that the staff will not grow at the expense of one political party in favor of another.

Dante Tagariello
Bristol, Conn.

Editor’s note: The writer is a former Republican candidate for mayor and currently a Republican member of the Bristol Board of Education.

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