Bristol Gladiators holding free wrestling clinics every Saturday this summer from the Bristol Boys and Girls Club

By Michael Letendre

The Bristol Gladiators are having some fun on the mats over at the Bristol Boys and Girls Club this summer.

And currently the Gladiators are holding a ‘Learn-2-Wrestle’ program every Saturday, starting at 9 a.m.

Registration is currently open for the program as students from kindergarten through eighth grade can join up and learn about the sport.

The program runs until August 20 and is free to everyone.

“This program serves as an introduction to fokstyle (scholastic) wrestling and is designed for children who are new to the sport,” according to the release.

Bristol is trying to regrow its numbers in the sport as the pandemic decreased participation in wrestling.

Members of the Gladiator Wrestling Program will help oversee the programs and students can learn from some of the top local talent from in and around Bristol.  

“Practices will focus on the fundamental skills needed to participate in wrestling. They will be taught in a fun format that will include physical games and skill building exercises, as well as drilling and live wrestling.”

The first session on July 9 saw thirty kids participate over a great morning of competition.

For more information about the program, contact the Gladiators on Facebook (@gladiatorup), Instagram (@bristolgladiators) and Twitter (@GladiatorsCT).

You can also contact Steve Beecher at or by calling 860-540-3105.